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Project: Open Education Hub (21-COP-0016)

The advance of the Internet has shattered the old-order educational paradigm where teachers were the almost exclusive owners of knowledge and best practices. In the new-order educational paradigm, information is one click away. The one-click-away availability of information cannot compensate for flaws of the current digital educational content: closed, unstructured, general, static, impractical and non-reproducible.

At Open Education Hub (OpenEdu), we improve the development, delivery and curation of digital educational content by taking in the mindset, best practices and ideas from one of the most successful new-order ventures: the open source collaborative model. We use the open source collaborative model for the development, deployment and curation of digital educational content. The new digital educational content is public, customizable, dynamic, up-to-date, practical and reproducible. We are developing open educational resources (OER) and we are harnessing the benefits of the open source collaborative model to engage content consumers and content producers. In this way, we are facilitating the 5R activities of OER: retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute.

At OpenEdu, commonly used open source components, methods and definitions are adapted to the development, deployment and curation of digital educational content. Open source repositories provide direct access to digital content for to teachers, students / learners and would-be contributors. Open source deployment and automation solutions make the content practical and reproducible. Teachers produce digital educational content and deploy the automation environment for engaging content. Students / Learners consume the digital educational content with the option of being able to contribute to it. Their contributions are validated by teachers and are tested by the automation environment.

The image below is an overview of the development, distribution, consumption and updating of content at Open Education Hub.