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Getting started


The structure of the builder is very simple. The main thing a user needs to worry about is the configuration file. The configuration file is in the YAML format, should be placed at the root of your project, and should be named config.yaml.

Based on the steps defined in the configuration file, the builder will construct plugins and run them in the order specified. Each step has an associated input directory and output directory. By default, the input directory is the root of the project and the outout directory is a a directory with the same name under the build directory.

For example, in the below configuration, the output directory for the demo_stage step is /build/demo_stage.

- demo_stage

build_dir: /build

plugin: command
command: echo
- "Hello World"

The builder is designed to be extensible. It comes with a few plugins, but the user can also create their own plugins. The plugins are defined in the plugins directory. For further details check the plugins section.

Most plugins will have a set of dependencies that need to be installed in order to run. The builder does not install these dependencies. The recommended way to install these dependencies is to create a Docker container that extends the builder container and installs the dependencies. The example below installs the dependencies needed to run the revealmd and docusaurus plugins.


# Install curl
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y curl

# Install node LTS (16)
RUN curl -fsSL | bash - && \
apt-get install -y nodejs

# Install reveal md
RUN npm install -g reveal-md

# Install docusaurus
RUN npm install create-docusaurus@2.1.0

WORKDIR /content

ENTRYPOINT ["oe_builder"]

The ENTRYPOINT should always be oe_builder. The WORKDIR can be whatever you want as long as you mount the root of your project (containing the config.yaml file) to WORKDIR in the container.


The main configuration options are as follows:

stageslist[str]trueN\AThe list of stages to run, in order.
build_dirstrfalse/buildThe directory to use for the build.
output_dirstrfalse/outputThe directory to use for the output.
output_typestrfalselastThe type of output to use. Can be last or all. last keeps only the output of the lat stage, while all keeps the output of all stages (basically outputs the build directory).
<stage_name>dictfalseN\AThe configuration for a specific stage.

Each stage is required to have the plugin option that specifies what plugin to run. Additionally, the input_dir and output_dir options can be specified to override the default input and output directories.