📄️ Overview
📄️ Hardware Perspective
The main criterion we use to rank CPUs is their computation power, i.e. their ability to crunch numbers and do math.
📄️ Processes
A process is simply a running program.
📄️ Threads
Spreading the Work Among Other Threads
📄️ Processes-threads-apache2
We'll take a look at how a real-world application - the apache2 HTTP server - makes use of processes and threads.
📄️ Copy-on-Write
So far, you know that the parent and child process have separate virtual address spaces.
📄️ Synchronization
So far, we've used threads and processes without wondering how to "tell" them how to access shared data.
📄️ User-Level Threads
User-level threads differ from the threads you are used to (kernel-level threads, those created by pthread_create).
📄️ Arena
Threads and Processes: clone