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A process is simply a running program. Let's take the ls command as a trivial example. ls is a program on your system. It has a binary file which you can find and inspect with the help of the which command:

student@os:~$ which ls

student@os:~$ file /usr/bin/ls
/usr/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=6e3da6f0bc36b6398b8651bbc2e08831a21a90da, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

When you run it, the ls binary stored on the disk at /usr/bin/ls is read by another application called the loader. The loader spawns a process by copying some of the contents /usr/bin/ls in memory (such as the .text, .rodata and .data sections). Using strace, we can see the execve system call:

student@os:~$ strace -s 100 ls -a  # -s 100 limits strings to 100 bytes instead of the default 32
execve("/usr/bin/ls", ["ls", "-a"], 0x7fffa7e0d008 /* 61 vars */) = 0
write(1, ". .. content\ .git .gitignore\n", 86. .. content .git .gitignore
) = 86
close(1) = 0
close(2) = 0
exit_group(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++

Look at its parameters:

  • the path to the program: /usr/bin/ls
  • the list of arguments: "ls", "-a"
  • the environment variables: the rest of the syscall's arguments

execve invokes the loader to load the VAS of the ls process by replacing that of the existing process. All subsequent syscalls are performed by the newly spawned ls process. We will get into more details regarding execve towards the end of this lab.

Loading of `ls` Process

Sum of the Elements in an Array

Let's assume we only have one process on our system, and that process knows how to add the numbers in an array. It can use however many resources it wants, since there is no other process to contest it. It would probably look like the code in support/sum-array/c/sum_array_sequential.c. The program also measures the time spent computing the sum. Let's compile and run it:

student@os:~/.../lab/support/sum-array/c$ ./sum_array_sequential
Array sum is: 49945994146
Time spent: 127 ms

You will most likely get a different sum (because the array is made up of random numbers) and a different time than the ones shown above. This is perfectly fine. Use these examples qualitatively, not quantitatively.

Spreading the Work Among Other Processes

Due to how it's implemented so far, our program only uses one of our CPU's cores. We never tell it to distribute its workload to other cores. This is wasteful as the rest of our cores remain unused:

student@os:~$ lscpu | grep ^CPU\(s\):
CPU(s): 8

We have 7 more cores waiting to add numbers in our array.

What if we used 100% of the CPU?

What if we use 7 more processes and spread the task of adding the numbers in this array between them? If we split the array into several equal parts and designate a separate process to calculate the sum of each part, we should get a speedup because now the work performed by each individual process is reduced.

Let's take it methodically. Compile and run sum_array_processes.c using 1, 2, 4 and 8 processes respectively. If your system only has 4 cores (hyperthreading included), limit your runs to 4 processes. Note the running times for each number of processes. We expect the speedups compared to our reference run to be 1, 2, 4 and 8 respectively, right?


You most likely did get some speedup, especially when using 8 processes. Now we will try to improve this speedup by using threads instead.

Also notice that we're not using hundreds or thousands of processes. Assuming our system has 8 cores, only 8 threads (we'll see this later in the lab) can run at the same time. In general, the maximum number of threads that can run at the same time is equal to the number of cores. In our example, each process only has one thread: its main thread. So by consequence and by forcing the terminology (because it's the main thread of these processes that is running, not the processes themselves), we can only run in parallel a number of processes equal to at most the number of cores.

Practice: Baby steps - Python

Run the code in support/create-process/ It simply spawns a new process running the ls command using subprocess.Popen(). Do not worry about the huge list of arguments that Popen() takes. They are used for inter-process-communication. You'll learn more about this in the Application Interaction chapter.

Note that this usage of Popen() is not entirely correct. You'll discover why in the next exercise, but for now focus on simply understanding how to use Popen() on its own.

Now change the command to anything you want. Also give it some arguments. From the outside, it's as if you were running these commands from the terminal.

Practice: High level - Python

Head over to support/sleepy/ Use subprocess.Popen() to spawn 10 sleep 1000 processes.

  1. Solve TODO 1: use subprocess.Popen() to spawn 10 sleep 1000 processes.

    Start the script:

    student@os:~/.../lab/support/sleepy$ python3

    Look for the parent process:

    student@os:~$ ps -e -H -o pid,ppid,cmd | (head -1; grep "python3")

    It is a python3 process, as this is the interpreter that runs the script, but we call it the process for simplicity. No output will be provided by the above command, as the parent process ( dies before its child processes (the 10 sleep 1000 subprocesses) finish their execution. The parent process of the newly created child processes is an init-like process: either systemd/init or another system process that adopts orphan processes. Look for the sleep child processes using:

    student@os:~$ ps -e -H -o pid,ppid,cmd | (head -1; grep sleep)
    4164 1680 sleep 1000
    4165 1680 sleep 1000
    4166 1680 sleep 1000
    4167 1680 sleep 1000
    4168 1680 sleep 1000
    4169 1680 sleep 1000
    4170 1680 sleep 1000
    4171 1680 sleep 1000
    4172 1680 sleep 1000
    4173 1680 sleep 1000

    Notice that the child processes do not have as a parent. What's more, as you saw above, doesn't even exist anymore. The child processes have been adopted by an init-like process (in the output above, that process has PID 1680 - PPID stands for parent process ID).


  2. Solve TODO 2: change the code in so that the sleep 1000 processes remain the children of This means that the parent / creator process must not exit until its children have finished their execution. In other words, the parent / creator process must wait for the termination of its children. Check out Popen.wait() and add the code that makes the parent / creator process wait for its children. Before anything, terminate the sleep processes created above:

    student@os:~$ pkill sleep

    Start the program, again, as you did before:

    student@os:~/.../lab/support/sleepy$ python3

    On another terminal, verify that remains the parent of the sleep processes it creates:

    student@os:~$ ps -e -H -o pid,ppid,cmd | (head -1; grep sleep)
    16107 9855 python3
    16108 16107 sleep 1000
    16109 16107 sleep 1000
    16110 16107 sleep 1000
    16111 16107 sleep 1000
    16112 16107 sleep 1000
    16113 16107 sleep 1000
    16114 16107 sleep 1000
    16115 16107 sleep 1000
    16116 16107 sleep 1000
    16117 16107 sleep 1000

    Note that the parent process (PID 16107) is still alive, and its child processes (the 10 sleep 1000) have its ID as their PPID. You've successfully waited for the child processes to finish their execution.

Practice: Lower level - C

Now let's see how to create a child process in C. There are multiple ways of doing this. For now, we'll start with a higher-level approach.

Go to support/sleepy/sleepy_creator.c and use system to create a sleep 1000 process.


The man page also mentions that system calls fork() and exec() to run the command it's given. If you want to find out more about them, head over to the Arena and create your own mini-shell.

Practice: Wait for Me

Run the code in support/wait-for-me/ The parent process creates one child that writes and message to the given file. Then the parent reads that message. Simple enough, right? But running the code raises a FileNotFoundError. If you inspect the file you gave the script as an argument, it does contain a string. What's going on?


In order to solve race conditions, we need synchronization. This is a mechanism similar to a set of traffic lights in a crossroads. Just like traffic lights allow some cars to pass only after others have already passed, synchronization is a means for threads to communicate with each other and tell each other to access a resource or not.

The most basic form of synchronization is waiting. Concretely, if the parent process waits for the child to end, we are sure the file is created and its contents are written. Use join() to make the parent wait for its child before reading the file.

Practice: fork()

Up to now we've been creating processes using various high-level APIs, such as Popen(), Process() and system(). Yes, despite being a C function, as you've seen from its man page, system() itself calls 2 other functions: fork() to create a process and execve() to execute the given command. As you already know from the Software Stack chapter, library functions may call one or more underlying system calls or other functions. Now we will move one step lower on the call stack and call fork() ourselves.

fork() creates one child process that is almost identical to its parent. We say that fork() returns twice: once in the parent process and once more in the child process. This means that after fork() returns, assuming no error has occurred, both the child and the parent resume execution from the same place: the instruction following the call to fork(). What's different between the two processes is the value returned by fork():

  • child process: fork() returns 0
  • parent process: fork() returns the PID of the child process (> 0)
  • on error: fork() returns -1, only once, in the initial process

Therefore, the typical code for handling a fork() is available in support/create-process/fork.c. Take a look at it and then run it. Notice what each of the two processes prints:

  • the PID of the child is also known by the parent
  • the PPID of the child is the PID of the parent

Unlike system(), who also waits for its child, when using fork() we must do the waiting ourselves. In order to wait for a process to end, we use the waitpid() syscall. It places the exit code of the child process in the status parameter. This argument is actually a bit-field containing more information than merely the exit code. To retrieve the exit code, we use the WEXITSTATUS macro. Keep in mind that WEXITSTATUS only makes sense if WIFEXITED is true, i.e. if the child process finished on its own and wasn't killed by another one or by an illegal action (such as a segfault or illegal instruction) for example. Otherwise, WEXITSTATUS will return something meaningless. You can view the rest of the information stored in the status bit-field in the man page.

Now modify the example to do the following:

  1. Change the return value of the child process so that the value displayed by the parent is changed.

  2. Create a child process of the newly created child. Use a similar logic and a similar set of prints to those in the support code. Take a look at the printed PIDs. Make sure the PPID of the "grandchild" is the PID of the child, whose PPID is, in turn, the PID of the parent.

Moral of the story: Usually the execution flow is:

  1. fork(), followed by

  2. wait() (called by the parent)

  3. exit(), called by the child.

The order of last 2 steps may be swapped.