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User-Level Threads

User-level threads differ from the threads you are used to (kernel-level threads, those created by pthread_create). This kind of threads are scheduled by an user-level scheduler, and can run on the same kernel-level thread. From now on, we will reffer to user-level threads as fibers, and kernel-level threads as simply threads.

We will use the fiber implementation from libboost. This implementation uses a cooperative scheduler on each thread, meaning that each fiber has to yield, in order for other fiber to be executed. We will also use C++, and the standard thread implementation.


Unless you are using the OS docker image, you will need to install cmake and libboost. You can do this with the following command:

student@os:~$ sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-context-dev libboost-fiber-dev


Follow the support/user-level-threads/ implementation. It creates NUM_FIBERS fibers, that each prints "Hello World". To compile and run the program, do the following steps:

student@os:~/.../lab/support/user-level-threads$ mkdir build/
student@os:~/.../lab/support/user-level-threads$ cd build/
student@os:~/.../lab/support/user-level-threads$ cmake -S .. -B .
student@os:~/.../lab/support/user-level-threads$ make
student@os:~/.../lab/support/user-level-threads$ ./simple

The cmake step must be executed only once. After modifying the source files, it is enough to run make.

Practice: Sleeper Fiber

Add in support/user-level-threads/ a fiber that sleeps for 5 seconds, before the other ones are created. What happens? Answer in this quiz.

No system calls

Use strace to find calls to clone() in the execution of simple. Can you find any? Provide your answer in this quiz Remember that clone() is the system call used to create kernel-level threads, as pointed out here.


By default, the fibers that run on the same thread are synchronized - no race-conditions can occur. This is illustrated by the support/user-level-threads/ implementation.

The user can, however, implement further synchronization, by using the yield() call, or classic synchronization methods, like mutexes, barriers and condition variables.


As the scheduler is cooperative, each fiber can yield (or not), to allow another fiber to run. Follow the support/user-level-threads/ implementation and run it. Note the boost::fibers::launch::dispatch parameter provided to the fiber constructor. It notifies the scheduler to start the fibre as soon as it is created. In order to explain the output, we must consider that the fibers are created by a main fiber, that is scheduled along with the others, in this case.


Modify the launch parameter into boost::fibers::launch::post, compile and notice the differences. The post parameter notifies the scheduler not to start the fibers imediately, but rather place them into an execution queue. Their execution will start after the main fiber calls the join() function.


Follow the support/user-level-threads/ implementation. It uses a barrier to achieve the same result as the previos implementation, that used post as the launch parameter.

Interaction Between Threads and Fibers

As we mentioned before, multiple fibers can run on the same thread, and a scheduler is implemented on each thread. By default, the scheduling algorithm is round_robin. It runs the fibers, in the order of their creation, until they yield or finish their work. If a fiber yields, it is placed at the back of the round-robin queue. Using this scheduler, each thread only uses its fibers; if one thread has more work to do than another, bad luck. This may lead to starvation.

But there are other scheduler implementations, such as shared_work and work_stealing. Follow the support/user-level-threads/ implementation. It creates multiple fibers and threads, and uses the shared_work scheduler to balance the workload between the threads. Each main fiber, from each thread, is suspended until all worker fibers have completed their work, using a condition variable.

cnd_count.wait( lk, [](){ return 0 == fiber_count; } );

The program also uses thread local storage and fiber local storage to store the ID of each thread / fiber.

Now change the shared_work scheduler into the work_stealing one. It takes a parameter, the number of threads that will use that scheduler.

Compile, rerun and note the differences. The work_stealing scheduler, as the name suggests, will "steal" fibers from other schedulers. So, if the shared_work scheduler tried to balance the available work between the available threads, the work_stealing one will focus on having as many threads as possible on 100% workload. Vary the number of threads and fibers, and the workload (maybe put each fibre to do some computational-intensive work), and observe the results.

C++ unique_lock

unique_lock is a type of mutex that is unlocked automatically when the end of its scope is reached (end of function or bracket-pair).