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Threads and Processes: clone

Let's go back to our initial demos that used threads and processes. We'll see that in order to create both threads and processes, the underlying Linux syscall is clone. For this, we'll run both sum_array_threads and sum_array_processes under strace. As we've already established, we're only interested in the clone syscall:

student@os:~/.../lab/support/sum-array/c$ strace -e clone ./sum_array_threads 2
clone(child_stack=0x7f60b56482b0, flags=CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES|CLONE_SIGHAND|CLONE_THREAD|CLONE_SYSVSEM|CLONE_SETTLS|CLONE_PARENT_SETTID|CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID, parent_tid=[1819693], tls=0x7f60b5649640, child_tidptr=0x7f60b5649910) = 1819693
clone(child_stack=0x7f60b4e472b0, flags=CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES|CLONE_SIGHAND|CLONE_THREAD|CLONE_SYSVSEM|CLONE_SETTLS|CLONE_PARENT_SETTID|CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID, parent_tid=[1819694], tls=0x7f60b4e48640, child_tidptr=0x7f60b4e48910) = 1819694

student@os:~/.../lab/support/sum-array/c$ strace -e clone ./sum_array_processes 2
clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7a4e346650) = 1820599
clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7a4e346650) = 1820600

We ran each program with an argument of 2, so we have 2 calls to clone. Notice that in the case of threads, the clone syscall receives more arguments. The relevant flags passed as arguments when creating threads are documented in clone's man page:

  • CLONE_VM: the child and the parent process share the same VAS
  • CLONE_{FS,FILES,SIGHAND}: the new thread shares the filesystem information, file and signal handlers with the one that created it The syscall also receives valid pointers to the new thread's stack and TLS, i.e. the only parts of the VAS that are distinct between threads (although they are technically accessible from all threads).

By contrast, when creating a new process, the arguments of the clone syscall are simpler (i.e. fewer flags are present). Remember that in both cases clone creates a new thread. When creating a process, clone creates this new thread within a new separate address space.

Libraries for Parallel Processing

In support/sum-array/c/sum_array_threads.c we spawned threads "manually" by using the pthread_create() function. This is not a syscall, but a wrapper over the common syscall used by both fork() (which is also not a syscall) and pthread_create().

Still, pthread_create() is not yet a syscall. In order to see what syscall pthread_create() uses, check out this section at the end of the lab.

Most programming languages provide a more advanced API for handling parallel computation.

std.parallelism in D

D language's standard library exposes the std.parallelism, which provides a series of parallel processing functions. One such function is reduce(), which splits an array between a given number of threads and applies a given operation to these chunks. In our case, the operation simply adds the elements to an accumulator: a + b. Follow and run the code in support/sum-array/d/sum_array_threads_reduce.d.

The number of threads is used within a TaskPool. This structure is a thread manager (not scheduler). It silently creates the number of threads we request and then reduce() spreads its workload between these threads.

OpenMP for C

Unlike D, C does not support parallel computation by design. It needs a library to do advanced things, like reduce() from D. We have chosen to use the OpenMP library for this. Follow the code in support/sum-array/c/sum_array_threads_openmp.c.

The #pragma used in the code instructs the compiler to enable the omp module, and to parallelise the code. In this case, we instruct the compiler to perform a reduce of the array, using the + operator, and to store the results in the result variable. This reduction uses threads to calculate the sum, similar to summ_array_threads.c, but in a much more optimised form.

Now compile and run the sum_array_threads_openmp binary using 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads as before. You'll see lower running times than sum_array_threads due to the highly-optimised code emitted by the compiler. For this reason and because library functions are usually much better tested than your own code, it is always preferred to use a library function for a given task.

Shared Memory

As you remember from the Data chapter, one way to allocate a given number of pages is to use the mmap() syscall. Let's look at its man page, specifically at the flags argument. Its main purpose is to determine the way in which child processes interact with the mapped pages.


Now let's test this flag, as well as its opposite: MAP_SHARED. Compile and run the code in support/shared-memory/shared_memory.c.

  1. See the value read by the parent is different from that written by the child. Modify the flags parameter of mmap() so they are the same.

  2. Create a semaphore in the shared page and use it to make the parent signal the child before it can exit. Use the API defined in semaphore.h. Be careful! The value written and read previously by the child and the parent, respectively, must not change.

One way of creating a shared semaphore is to place it within a shared memory area, as we've just done. This only works between "related" processes. If you want to share a semaphore or other types of memory between any two processes, you need filesystem support. For this, you should use named semaphores, created using sem_open(). You'll get more accustomed to such functions in the Application Interaction chapter.


First Step: system Dissected

You already know that system calls fork() and execve() to create the new process. Let's see how and why. First, we run the following command to trace the execve() syscalls used by sleepy_creator. We'll leave fork() for later.

student@os:~/.../support/sleepy$ strace -e execve -ff -o syscalls ./sleepy_creator

At this point, you will get two files whose names start with syscalls, followed by some numbers. Those numbers are the PIDs of the parent and the child process. Therefore, the file with the higher number contains logs of the execve and clone syscalls issued by the parent process, while the other logs those two syscalls when made by the child process. Let's take a look at them. The numbers below will differ from those on your system:

student@os:~/.../support/sleepy:$ cat syscalls.2523393  # syscalls from parent process
execve("sleepy_creator", ["sleepy_creator"], 0x7ffd2c157758 /* 39 vars */) = 0
--- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=2523394, si_uid=1052093, si_status=0, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} ---
+++ exited with 0 +++

student@os:~/.../support/sleepy:$ cat syscalls.2523394 # syscalls from child process
execve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "sleep 10"], 0x7ffd36253be8 /* 39 vars */) = 0
execve("/usr/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "10"], 0x560f41659d40 /* 38 vars */) = 0
+++ exited with 0 +++


Now notice that the child process doesn't simply call execve("/usr/bin/sleep" ...). It first changes its virtual address space (VAS) to that of a bash process (execve("/bin/sh" ...)) and then that bash process switches its VAS to sleep. Therefore, calling system(<some_command>) is equivalent to running <some_command> in the command-line.

With this knowledge in mind, let's implement our own mini-shell. Start from the skeleton code in support/mini-shell/mini_shell.c. We're already running our Bash interpreter from the command-line, so there's no need to exec another Bash from it. Simply exec the command.


So we need a way to "save" the mini_shell process before exec()-ing our command. Find a way to do this.

Hint: You can see what sleepy does and draw inspiration from there. Use strace to also list the calls to clone() performed by sleepy or its children. Remember what clone() is used for and use its parameters to deduce which of the two scenarios happens to sleepy.

Moral of the story: We can add another step to the moral of our previous story. When spawning a new command, the call order is:

  • parent: fork(), exec(), wait()
  • child: exit()

Command Executor in Another language

Now implement the same functionality (a Bash command executor) in any other language, other than C/C++. Use whatever API is provided by your language of choice for creating and waiting for processes.


Throughout this lab, you might have noticed that there were no thread exercises in Python. If you did, you probably wondered why. It's not because Python does not support threads, because it does, but because of a mechanism called the Global Interpreter Lock, or GIL. As its name suggests, this is a lock implemented inside most commonly used Python interpreter (CPython), which only allows one thread to run at a given time. As a consequence, multithreaded programs written in Python run concurrently, not in parallel. For this reason, you will see no speedup even when you run an embarrassingly parallel code in parallel.

However, keep in mind that this drawback does not make threads useless in Python. They are still useful and widely used when a process needs to perform many IO-bound tasks (i.e.: tasks that involve many file reads / writes or network requests). Such tasks run many blocking syscalls that require the thread to switch from the RUNNING state to WAITING. Doing so voluntarily makes threads viable because they rarely run for their entire time slice and spend most of the time waiting for data. So it doesn't hurt them to run concurrently, instead of in parallel.

Do not make the confusion to believe threads in Python are user-level threads. threading.Threads are kernel-level threads. It's just that they are forced to run concurrently by the GIL.

Practice: Array Sum in Python

Let's first probe this by implementing two parallel versions of the code in support/sum-array/python/ One version should use threads and the other should use processes. Run each of them using 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads / processes respectively and compare the running times. Notice that the running times of the multithreaded implementation do not decrease. This is because the GIL makes it so that those threads that you create essentially run sequentially.

The GIL also makes it so that individual Python instructions are atomic. Run the code in support/race-condition/python/ Every time, var will be 0 because the GIL doesn't allow the two threads to run in parallel and reach the critical section at the same time. This means that the instructions var += 1 and var -= 1 become atomic.

But Why?

Unlike Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness monster, we have proof that the GIL is real. At first glance, this seems like a huge disadvantage. Why force threads to run sequentially? The answer has to do with memory management. In the Data chapter, you learned that one way of managing memory is via garbage collection (GC). In Python, the GC uses reference counting, i.e. each object also stores the number of live pointers to it (variables that reference it). You can see that this number needs to be modified atomically by the interpreter to avoid race conditions. This involves adding locks to all Python data structures. This large number of locks doesn't scale for a language as large and open as Python. In addition, it also introduces the risk of deadlocks. You can read more on this topic in this article and if you think eliminating the GIL looks like an easy task, which should have been done long ago, check the requirements here. They're not trivial to meet.

Single-threaded-ness is a common trope for interpreted languages to use some sort of GIL. Ruby MRI, the reference Ruby interpreter, uses a similar mechanism, called the Global VM Lock. JavaScript is even more straightforward: it is single-threaded by design, also for GC-related reasons. It does, however, support asynchronous actions, but these are executed on the same thread as every other code. This is implemented by placing each instruction on a call stack.

Atomic Assembly

No, this section is not about nukes, sadly :(. Instead, we aim to get accustomed to the way in which the x86 ISA provides atomic instructions.

This mechanism looks very simple. It is but one instruction prefix: lock. It is not an instruction with its own separate opcode, but a prefix that slightly modifies the opcode of the following instructions to make the CPU execute it atomically (i.e. with exclusive access to the data bus).

lock must only be place before an instruction that executes a read-modify-write action. For example, we cannot place it before a mov instruction, as the action of a mov is simply read or write. Instead, we can place it in front of an inc instruction if its operand is memory.

Look at the code in support/race-condition/asm/race_condition_lock.S. It's an Assembly equivalent of the code you've already seen many times so far (such as support/race-condition/c/race_condition.c). Assemble and run it a few times. Notice the different results you get.

Now add the lock prefix before inc and dec. Reassemble and rerun the code. And now we have synchronized the two threads by leveraging CPU support.

Synchronization - Thread-Safe Data Structure

Now it's time for a fully practical exercise. Go to support/CLIST/. In the file clist.c you'll find a simple implementation of an array list. Although correct, it is not (yet) thread-safe.

The code in test.c verifies its single-threaded correctness, while the one in test_parallel.c verifies it works properly with multiple threads. Your task is to synchronize this data structure using whichever primitives you like. Try to keep the implementation efficient. Aim to decrease your running times as much as you can.

Minor and Major Page Faults

The code in support/page-faults/page_faults.c generates some minor and major page faults. Open 2 terminals: one in which you will run the program, and one which will monitor the page faults of the program. In the monitoring terminal, run the following command:

watch -n 1 'ps -eo min_flt,maj_flt,cmd | grep ./page_faults | head -n 1'

Compile the program and run it in the other terminal. You must press enter one time, before the program will prompt you to press enter more times. Watch the first number on the monitoring terminal; it increases. Those are the minor page faults.

Minor Page Faults

A minor page fault is generated whenever a requested page is present in the physical memory, as a frame, but that frame isn't allocated to the process generating the request. These types of page faults are the most common, and they happen when calling functions from dynamic libraries, allocating heap memory, loading programs, reading files that have been cached, and many more situations. Now back to the program.

The monitoring command already starts with some minor page faults, generated when loading the program.

After pressing enter, the number increases, because a function from a dynamic library (libc) is fetched when the first printf() is executed. Subsequent calls to functions that are in the same memory page as printf() won't generate other page faults.

After allocating the 100 Bytes, you might not see the number of page faults increase. This is because the "bookkeeping" data allocated by malloc() was able to fit in an already mapped page. The second allocation, the 1GB one, will always gnereate one minor page fault - for the bookkeeping data about the allocated memory zone. Notice that not all the pages for the 1GB are allocated. They are allocated - and generate page faults - when modified. By now you should know that this mechanism is called copy-on-write.

Continue with pressing enter and observing the effects util you reach opening file.txt.

Note that neither opening a file, getting information about it, nor mapping it in memory using mmap(), generate page faults. Also note the posix_fadvise() call after the one to fstat(). With this call we force the OS to not cache the file, so we can generate a major page fault.

Major Page Faults

Major page faults happen when a page is requested, but it isn't present in the physical memory. These types of page faults happen in 2 situations:

  • a page that was swapped out (to the disk), due to lack of memory, is now accessed - this case is harder to show
  • the OS needs to read a file from the disk, because the file contents aren't present in the cache - the case we are showing now

Press enter to print the file contents. Note the second number go up in the monitoring terminal.

Comment the posix_fadvise() call, recompile the program, and run it again. You won't get any major page fault, because the file contents are cached by the OS, to avoid those page faults. As a rule, the OS will avoid major page faults whenever possible, because they are very costly in terms of running time.